- Compost, enrich and improve texture and aiding drainage.
- Green Manures and Cover Crops, enrich organic matter
Mainly for vegetable crops. Good for replenishing organic matter, especially for the soil that have been impoverished by chemical fertilization.
Green manure does not give quick results. This why it is not often used in home gardens. It will take about 6 months for the vegetation waste to rot down. Green manure generally applied on land that is to have a season of rest. And the land should be properly drained so that sufficient air is present. Should be adequately lime and warm. Some Green manure have very deep roots, which reach into subsoil and pull up nutrients. Green manure on top ground will protect from erosion and compaction due to heavy rains. Other green manures are nitrogen-fixers.
Cover Crops
Like green manure, plants grown to cover the soil during idle perios when the land would otherwise be barren. Plant cover crops in autumn for winter cover, you also can use cover crops for summer rotation. Cover crops also attract benefecial insects to the garden.
Most cover crops are cut down and composted before flowering. Before planting spring vegetables, flowers wait 2 to 4 weeks to allow cover crops to decompose.
All compos are good. Composted plant waste rich in all necessary ingredients both micronutrients and micro organism. Its a good practice to have compost resource.
Do's (you can use following list for compost)
- Leaves
- Clippings
- Straw
- Sawdust
- Shredded branches and twigs
- Cut flowers
- Comfrey leaves
- Tea leaves
- Coffee grounds
- Egg Shells
- Banana skins
- Manure
- Urine
- Vegetable waste
- Kelp
Don't (don't use following list for compost)
- Kitchen waste, it will attract vermin.
- Dog and cat manure, it will kill off the composting worms
- Citrus peel, its too acidic for worms
- Diseased plants, hmm.. you know, it will risk you with disease. :)
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